Try A custom blend!

Hi, I’m Mary. 

Growing up in a family with eight siblings was quite an adventure. There was always lots going on and there was me - standing quietly in the middle of it all - somewhat overwhelmed with all the energy.  At an early age, I learned to care for others and followed that path throughout my life.   I worked as a registered nurse, nurtured patients as they transitioned out of this lifetime, and currently assist people on their own physical, emotional and spiritual healing path using essential oils. 

I have always kept a narrow focus on helping others; I believed I could only assist a few people at a time. But the Divine instructed me otherwise – I now know I have a gift to share with the world. I was introduced to the healing benefits of essential oils ten years ago, and they have been an integral part of my own awakening and healing. It is now apparent to me why they were put on my path. I have come to realize that all I have done in my life thus far, was just preparing me for this next step, helping humanity to heal and remember our connectedness to one another. Essential oils are amazing gifts that we have on this earth, and are here to assist us all on this path towards healing.
I am here to help you find your inner courage to step out of the shadows and allow your light to shine brightly by creating Custom Essential Oil Blends charged with a blessing from my heart to yours. I also have custom universal blends that speak to universal issues.
I am excited for each and every one you to walk alongside me on this journey. 

Together, as we heal, we create a space for healing humanity.
Blessings and Love,

What is different about my custom blends? 

My custom blends are blended specifically for you to support your emotional and spiritual growth.

I also have what I call Universal Blends. These are pre-made essential oils blends that may address your needs. All custom blends are created during meditation and charged/enhanced with a blessing to increase their energetic vibration and flow. 

Contact me below to order a custom blend or to ask any questions. 


“Mary has an intuitive gift for making essential oil blends! Best custom blend I have ever smelled! Brings me peace each time I use it. Thank you.”
-Rigel Smith

Hey, I’m Mary hall

In 2011, I was working two jobs, not sleeping well, had head and neck tension that would not quit, my stomach was a mess, and quite frankly I was cranky much of the time. I know, I wasn’t walking my talk of self care and wellness. I knew better but I allowed life to derail me and realized that if I didn’t get back on track I could be facing major health challenges soon. 


"I had been using essential oils for a few years...dabbling in making personal and household products that are either more environmental or body friendly with a mix of brand names. It was not until I met Mary Hall and was introduced to doTerra that I found the right EO path and partner in my journey."